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Gradebook Access

So, what is Gradebook Access?
For only $350 per year, your company will receive a code that your employees will use when setting up their Foundation accounts. You then designate a “facilitator” that can log-in and have access to the gradebook of all your employees including the classes they’ve taken and their progress on any modules they've been assigned. This customized level of access will be an invaluable tool for companies of all sizes to have up-to-the-minute knowledge of how their employees are utilizing the system. 

Note:  Gradebook access is included for those purchasing a Company Portal.

If you have questions or would like to sign up for Gradebook Access or a Company Portal, contact Stephanie Masters at (360) 943-3054 or email:

Contact Center

For technical assistance or help
accessing your course, call

(877) 321-2451  option 2.


For general inquiries, feedback or
ideas for future course content, use the contact form on this page or send an email directly to:

If you are wishing to create an account and browse the catalog, click on the LOG IN HERE button at the top of the page. 

If you would like for a member of the Foundation team to contact you, please complete the form below and someone will reach out within 24 hours:

We look forward to connecting with you!

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