Payment Options
There are three payment methods for purchasing courses from our Course Catalog:

Foundation's learning platform, DigitalChalk, currently accepts the following credit cards as payment for course registrations:
American Express
Diners Club
This information will be
provided at Checkout when
you purchase the courses
in your cart.

Another option if your employees are unable to pay by credit card and you wish for them to be able to take courses at any time and charge them to your company is to upgrade to a Basic Company Portal.
For an annual fee, companies will be given a specific code to give to their employees. When employees enter this code during account creation, their course catalog will now feature the company name after the course title (ex: Foundation to Finish (ABC Lumber Co.) This code allows us to track your company usage and invoice you monthly if you wish to do so.
This is in addition to the other benefits of a company portal including the ability to earn Foundation Bucks! For more information about securing a company portal, click the button below:

If you don't have a company portal or are not opting to be invoiced for your usage of the system, you can receive bulk discounts by purchasing multiple seats of a particular course.
Click HERE for a breakdown and more information.
After the volume discount seats have been purchased, the user will receive a code to distribute to the employees who will take the course. These codes are applied during checkout. Once the code has been applied, the user will not have to pay anything for the course since it has been prepaid.
Here are few important notes regarding Volume Discount registrations:
All seats must be purchased for the same course at the same time.
The total must be prepaid before codes are supplied for the course.
This option cannot be used in conjunction with Foundation Bucks.
To confirm a volume discount registration for a particular course, contact
Stephanie Masters at (360) 943-3054 or email: stephanie@wbma.org.